Science Behind Products

Hydrogen H
Lithium Li USDS Data Beryllium Be
Sodium na USDS Data Magnesium mg USDS Data
Potassium k USDS Data Calcium Ca USDS Data
Rubidium rb Strontium sr
Cesium cs Barium ba
Francium fr Radium ra

021393 Emotional Well-Being Formula

021396 Fertility and Potency Formula

021209 Glucose Tolerance Formula

021394 Health and Immune System Formula

021395 Heart Health and Cardio Formula

Scandium sc Titanium ti USDS Data Vanadium v USDS Data Chromium cr USDS Data Manganese mn USDS Data Iron fe USDS Data Cobalt co USDS Data Nickel ni Copper cu USDS Data Zinc zn USDS Data
Yttrium y USDS Data Zirconium zr Niobium nb Molybdenum mo USDS Data Technetium tc Ruthenium ru Rhodium rh Palladium pd Silver ag USDS Data Cadmium cd
Lutetium lu Hafnium hf Tantalum ta Wolfram w Rhenium re Osmium os Iridium ir Platinum pt Wikipedia Gold au USDS Data Mercury hg
Lawrencium lr Rutherfordium rf Dubnium db Seaborgium Sg Bohrium Bh Hassium hs Meitnerium mt Darmstadtium ds Roentgentium rg Copernicum cn
Helium he
Boron b USDS Data Carbon c Nitrogen n Oxygen o Fluorine f Neon ne
Aluminum al Silicon Si Phosphorous p USDS Data Sulfur s USDS Data Chlorine ci Argon ar
Gallium ga USDS Data Germanium ge USDS Data Arsenic as Selenium se USDS Data Bromide br Krypton kr
Indium in Tin sn USDS Data Antimony sb Tellurium te Iodine i USDS Data Xenon xe
Thallium ti Lead pb Bismuth bi Polonium po Astatine at Radon rn
Ununtrium Uut Flerovium fl Ununpentium Uup Livermorium Lv Ununseptium Uus Ununoctium Uuo
Lanthanum la Cerium ce Praseodymium pr Neodymium Nd Promethium Pm Samarium Sm Europium eu USDS Data Gadolinium gd Terbium tb Dysprosium dy Holmium ho Erbium er Thulium tm Ytterbium yb USDS Data
Actinium ac Thorium th Protactinium pa Uranium u Neptunium np Plutonium pu Americium am Curium cm Berkelium bk Californium cf Einsteinium es Fermium fm Mendelevium md Nobelium no

Our passions are science and natural health. Through the beauty of soil science, we have created an innovative, lab-tested solution to mineral deficiencies. This is accomplished through a natural bio-available delivery system designed to increase the plant’s uptake of mineral content from the soil. From these plants, we are able to replenish minerals consistently through natural food-based products. Listed below are these minerals and the science behind our logic.

  • Emotional Well-Being

    Our Wheat Grass Powder #021393 is grown from our lab-tested Emotional Well-Being Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the mineral uptake into the plants. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with depression or emotional instability: Boron, Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium and Lithium.

    Mineral Functions

    Mineral Functions

    Boron appears to affect calcium and magnesium metabolism and membrane function.  It is essential for efficient absorption of calcium in the body.  It was found by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to significantly reduce the loss of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in post-menopausal women.  It may also be helpful for ischemic heart disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease.  Boron deficiency signs may be related to the level of vitamin D and possibly other nutrients in the diet.  Deficiency Symptoms: Osteoporosis, Arthritis.*,**

    Calcium is an essential chemical element largely concerned with the structure and rigidity of bones and teeth.  A small portion is involved in blood clotting, transmission of impulses from nerves to muscles, and regulation of the parathyroid gland.  One percent of the body’s calcium circulating in body fluids maintains correct acid-alkaline balance and regulates the heartbeat among other vital functions.  Lack of calcium in the diet leads to a form of “leaching out” of bone mineral content (osteoporosis) and when vitamin D is also deficient, the condition known as rickets occurs.*,**

    Magnesium is important to calcium and potassium homeostasis.  Numerous biochemical and physiological processes require, or are modulated by magnesium, including energy production, protein synthesis, muscle contractions and vascular tone.  Extracellular magnesium concentrations are critical to the maintenance of electrical potentials of nerve and muscle membranes and for transmission of impulses across neuromuscular junctions. Magnesium deficiency is common since this mineral is refined out of many foods during processing. Deficiencies have been associated with coronary heart disease, formation of clots in the heart and brain, calcium deposits in the kidneys, blood vessels and heart, digestive disorders, depression and many other symptoms.*,**

    Selenium plays an essential role in several enzymes including xanthine oxidase which aids in mobilizing iron from liver reserves; aldehyde oxidase which is necessary for oxidation of fats and sulfite oxidase.  It modulates metabolism of calcium, magnesium, copper and nitrogen and may also be an antioxidant.  Deficiencies can result from excess sulfites (common preservative of foods and drugs) or from refining of foods.  Consequences of molybdenum deficiency include retarded weight gain, poor appetite, impaired reproduction, fast heartbeat, increased rate of breathing, visual problems and shortened life expectancy.*,**

    Lithium reduces aggressiveness, violence and self-destruction.*,*


    ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  • Fertility & Potency

    Our Wheat Grass Powder #021396 is grown from our lab-tested Fertility & Potency Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's mineral uptake. Those with infertility or impotence issues may have deficiencies in any of the following minerals: Impotence: Selenium, Zinc, Manganese, Calcium, Chromium, or Iodine. Infertility: Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, Chromium, Copper, Cobalt, Manganese, or Iodine

    Mineral Functions

    Mineral Functions

    Chromium is required for normal glucose absorption. It appears to increase the effectiveness of insulin and its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It may also be invloved in protein synthesis. It is best absorbed when taken in compounds (complexes). In the majority of all chromium supplementation studies in the United States, at least half the subjects with impaired glucose tolerance improved with the addition of chromium, suggesting that the lower ranges of chromium intake from typical U.S. diets are not optimal with regard to chromium nutrition. *,**

    Iodine is unevenly distributed in the environment. In large areas, often mountainous, environmental levels are inadequate for humans and animals. Iodine is especially important for the thyroid gland which regulates the body’s production of energy and metabolic rate, and is involved in the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, in protein synthesis and in synthesis of cholesterol, which is the building block for hormones. Deficiency of iodine can result in goitre (enlarged thyroid) and hypothyroidism (which in turn leads to weight gain, dry skin and hair, sensitivity to cold, sluggish metabolism, slowed mental reactions and hardening of the arteries). Deficiency has also been linked to breast lumps..*,**

    Calcium is an essential chemical element largely concerned with the structure and rigidity of bones and teeth; a small portion is involved in blood clotting, transmission of impulses from nerve to muscles, and regulation of the parathyroid gland. The 1% of the body’s calcium circulating in body fluids maintains correct acid-alkaline balance and regulates the heartbeat amongst other vital functions.  Lack of calcium in the diet leads to a form of “leaching out” of bone mineral content (osteoporosis) and when vitamin D is also deficient, the condition known as rickets occurs. *,**

    Manganese is an antioxidant, activates numerous enzymes and has roles in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It is necessary for blood sugar regulation, healthy nerves and brain, sex hormone production, normal skeletal development, production of mother’s milk and a healthy immune system.   Signs of deficiency include poor reproductive performance, growth retardation, congenital malformations in the offspring, abnormal formation of bone and cartilage, and impaired glucose tolerance. Manganese supplementation has been found useful in treating multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis and diabetes. *,**

    Selenium is an antioxidant that works closely with vitamin E in actions like production of antibodies, binding of toxic metals like mercury, amino acid metabolism and promotion of normal body growth and fertility. Selenium protects the cell “machinery” that generates energy. It is also necessary for the production of prostaglandins, substances which affect blood pressure and plateIet aggregation. It protects all membranes, reduces risk of cancer, enhances immune system,  protects against heart disease. Deficiency of selenium has been associated with premature aging, heart attack, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, infertility and increased risk of cancer.*,**

    Cobalt is an integral part of vitamin B-12. Because all vitamin B-12 is derived from bacterial synthesis, organic cobalt is considered essential. Deficiency of cobalt may lead to pernicious anemia, retarded growth and nervous disorders. Vegetarians are particularly at risk of deficiency. *,**


    ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  • Glucose Tolerance

    Our Wheat Grass Powder #021209 grown from our lab-tested Glucose Tolerance Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's uptake of these minerals during growth. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with Diabetes: Chromium, Vanadium, Molybdenum, Zinc, Sulfur and Potassium.

    Mineral Functions

    Mineral Functions

    Molybdenum plays an essential role in several enzymes including xanthine oxidase which aids in mobilising iron from liver reserves; aldehyde oxidase which is necessary for oxidation of fats and sulphite oxidase. It modulates metabolism of calcium, magnesium, copper and nitrogen and may also be an antioxidant. Deficiencies can result from excess sulphites (common preservative of foods and drugs) or from refining of foods. Consequences of molybdenum deficiency include retarded weight gain, poor appetite, impaired reproduction, fast heartbeat, increased rate of breathing, visual problems and shortened life expectancy.*,**

    Chromium is required for normal glucose absorption. It appears to increase the effectiveness of insulin and its ability to regulate blood sugar levels. It may also be invloved in protein synthesis. It is best absorbed when taken in compounds (complexes). In the majority of all chromium supplementation studies in the United States, at least half the subjects with impaired glucose tolerance improved with the addition of chromium, suggesting that the lower ranges of chromium intake from typical U.S. diets are not optimal with regard to chromium nutrition.*,**

    Vanadium is required for glucose tolerance factor, for proper development of bones, cartilage and teeth and for cellular metabolism. A deficiency may be linked to reproductive problems and kidney disease; supplementation with vanadium may assist with diabetes.*,**

    Zinc is found in all tissues. Its functions include enhancing the immune system,  specifically the functions of the thymus gland and the spleen; involvement in the Krebs cycle and energy production; maintenance of healthy skin and taste buds; a component of insulin; a constituent of more than 2000 enzymes involved in digestion and metabolism including those for breakdown of alcohol, bone metabolism, protein digestion and phosphorus metabolism. Zinc can prevent toxaemia.  and protects against birth defects. Signs of dietary zinc deficiency include susceptibility to infections, stress and fatigue, loss of appetite, growth retardation (including dwarfism), delayed sexual maturity, skin changes including acne and stretch marks, prostate disorders and immunological abnormalities.*,**


    ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  • Health and Immune System Formula

    Our Wheat Grass Powder #021394 grown from our lab-tested Health and Immune System Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the mineral uptake into the plants. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with a weakened immune system: Boron, Iodine, Magnesium, Silver, Zinc, and Tin.

    Mineral Functions

    Mineral Functions

    Boron appears to affect calcium and magnesium metabolism and membrane function. It is essential for efficient absorbtion of calcium in the body and was found by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to significantly reduce the loss of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus in post-menopausal women. It may also be helpful for ischemic heart disease and other forms of cardiovascular disease. Boron deficiency signs may be related to the level of vitamin D and possibly other nutrients in the diet. Deficiency Symptoms: Osteoporosis, Arthritis.*,**

    Iodine is unevenly distributed in the environment. In large areas, often mountainous, environmental levels are inadequate for humans and animals. Iodine is especially important for the thyroid gland which regulates the body’s production of energy and metabolic rate, and is involved in the conversion of carotene to vitamin A, in protein synthesis and in synthesis of cholesterol, which is the building block for hormones. Deficiency of iodine can result in goitre (enlarged thyroid) and hypothyroidism (which in turn leads to weight gain, dry skin and hair, sensitivity to cold, sluggish metabolism, slowed mental reactions and hardening of the arteries). Deficiency has also been linked to breast lumps..*,**

    Magnesium is important to calcium and potassium homeostasis. Numerous biochemical and physiological processes require or are modulated by magnesium, including energy production, protein synthesis, muscle contractions and vascular tone. Extracellular magnesium concentrations are critical to the maintenance of electrical potentials of nerve and muscle membranes and for transmission of impulses across neuromuscular junctions. Magnesium deficiency is common since this mineral is refined out out of many foods during processing. Deficiencies have been associated with coronary heart disease, formation of clots in the heart and brain, calcium deposits in kidneys, blood vessels and heart, digestive disorders, depression and many other symptoms..*,**

    Silver Humans have used and valued silver as far back as 3000 B.C. Continuing on in Greek, Roman, Indian, and Asian cultures as a precious metal, its historical occurrence is prominent (1). Initially valued for its luster, durability and malleability, its other properties soon gave rise to many more uses. The most utile of these is its antibiotic properties coupled with its relative inert effect on human beings. The first medical uses of silver were recorded in 980 AD when a Roman man named Avicenna used silver filings as a blood purifier, for offensive breath, and for palpitations of the heart (2). Soon its medical efficacy as an antibiotic was recognized and used in all manner of silverware, utensils, and coinage to prevent sickness and disease. Its known use as an antibiotic continued on with mariners and westerners in the early expansion of the U.S. who would use silver coins to purify and prolong the life of various liquids(3). In the modern era, however, its uses in public health were temporarily lost with the advent of organic antibiotics. Only in the past couple decades has silver reemerged as the powerful antibiotic as it was long known to be.+,**

    Zinc is found in all tissues. Its functions include enhancing the immune system, specifically the functions of the thymus gland and the spleen; involvement in the Krebs cycle and energy production; maintenance of healthy skin and taste buds; a component of insulin; a constituent of more than 2000 enzymes involved in digestion and metabolism including those for breakdown of alcohol, bone metabolism, protein digestion and phosphorus metabolism. Zinc can prevent toxemia. and protects against birth defects. Signs of dietary zinc deficiency include susceptibility to infections, stress and fatigue, loss of appetite, growth retardation (including dwarfism), delayed sexual maturity, skin changes including acne and stretch marks, prostate disorders and immunological abnormalities.*,**

    Tin supports hair growth and can enhance reflexes.  Deficiency symptoms include symmetrical baldness,
    reduced response to sound and loud noises and diminished haemoglobin synthesis. *,**



    ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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  • Heart Health and Cardiovascular

    Our Wheat Grass Powder #021395 grown from our lab-tested Heart Health and Cardiovascular Soil Conditioner formulated with selective minerals, designed to increase the plant's mineral uptake. These mineral deficiencies may be associated with Heart disease: Calcium, Manganese, Magnesium, Selenium, Copper, and Sulfur.

    Mineral Functions

    Mineral Functions

    Calcium is an essential chemical element largely concerned with the structure and rigidity of bones and teeth; a small portion is involved in blood clotting, transmission of impulses from nerve to muscles, and regulation of the parathyroid gland. The 1% of the body’s calcium circulating in body fluids maintains correct acid-alkaline balance and regulates the heartbeat amongst other vital functions.  Lack of calcium in the diet leads to a form of “leaching out” of bone mineral content (osteoporosis) and when vitamin D is also deficient, the condition known as rickets occurs.*,**

    Manganese is an antioxidant, which activates numerous enzymes and has roles in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism.  It is necessary for blood sugar regulation, healthy nerves and brain, sex hormone production, normal skeletal development, production of mother’s milk and a healthy immune system.  Signs of deficiency include poor reproductive performance, growth retardation, congenital malformations in the offspring, abnormal formation of bone and cartilage, and impaired glucose tolerance.  Manganese supplementation has been found useful in treating multiple sclerosis, osteoarthritis and diabetes *,**

    Magnesium is important to calcium and potassium homeostasis. Numerous biochemical and physiological processes require or are modulated by magnesium, including energy production, protein synthesis, muscle contractions and vascular tone. Extracellular magnesium concentrations are critical to the maintenance of electrical potentials of nerve and muscle membranes and for transmission of impulses across neuromuscular junctions. Magnesium deficiency is common since this mineral is refined out out of many foods during processing. Deficiencies have been associated with coronary heart disease, formation of clots in the heart and brain, calcium deposits in kidneys, blood vessels and heart, digestive disorders, depression and many other symptoms..*,**

    Selenium is an antioxidant that works closely with vitamin E in actions like production of antibodies, binding of toxic metals like mercury, amino acid metabolism and promotion of normal body growth and fertility. Selenium protects the cell “machinery” that generates energy. It is also necessary for the production of prostaglandins, substances which affect blood pressure and plateIet aggregation. It protects all membranes, reduces risk of cancer, enhances immune system,  protects against heart disease. Deficiency of selenium has been associated with premature aging, heart attack, muscular dystrophy, cystic fibrosis, infertility and increased risk of cancer.*,**

    Copper is an essential nutrient for all vertebrates. There are a number of copper-containing proteins and enzymes, some of which are essential for the proper utilization of iron. Copper is involved in respiration and is an important blood antioxidant. It is also involved in protein metabolism, healing processes, maintenance of hair colour, and formation of the myelin sheaths which protect nerve fibres.  Elevated cholesterol levels, impaired glucose tolerance, anemia and heart-related abnormalities have been observed in some subjects with below-average copper consumption.*,**


    ** This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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